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Sabtu, 29 November 2008

Sistem Mesin Uang Otomatis (SMUO)

Rahasia Tersembunyi Metode Mencari Uang
di Internet Akhirnya Diungkap...

Jika Anda Bisa Mengetik dan Mengakses Internet, Anda Sudah Memiliki Syarat yang Cukup untuk Menghasilkan Uang Melimpah dari Internet... Hanya Jika Anda Tahu Caranya!

Sebuah 'metode sederhana' telah mengubah saya menjadi seorang Milyuner!
Benar, saya menjadi milyuner dari sebuah bisnis yang sebenarnya bisa dijalankan oleh siapapun. Modal kecil, mudah pengelolaannya, butuh sedikit waktu, tapi hasil... luar biasa besar!

Anda tidak akan percaya jika ruangan yang saya pakai untuk menghasilkan milyaran rupiah hanya seperti di bawah ini. Inipun masih jauh lebih bagus daripada awal merintis dulu.

Inilah informasi BERLIAN saya! Yang telah mengubah saya menjadi seperti sekarang ini. Dan beruntung buat anda, saya akan berikan seluruh ilmu yang saya gunakan untuk membangun kekayaan, semuanya... tanpa ditutup-tutupi!

Sistem Mesin Uang Otomatis (SMUO) adalah sebuah panduan praktis dan teruji tentang bagaimana cara menghasilkan uang dengan menjual informasi di internet. Secara umum, jika anda berpikir untuk memulai bisnis di internet namun tidak tahu bagaimana cara memulai, merancang dan mengelolanya, maka panduan ini akan membimbing anda.

Anda akan menemukan bagaimana cara menciptakan bisnis di internet sehingga menjadi mesin penghasil uang untuk anda. Mesin virtual yang mengalirkan uang tanpa henti ke rekening anda, 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu. Tidak peduli apapun background pendidikan anda, saya jamin... dengan keseriusan, anda akan bisa mengikuti metode ini dengan mudah.

Setelah memahami isi metode SMUO, anda bisa membangun bisnis di Internet sebanyak yang anda suka, dari awal persiapan hingga uang mengalir tanpa henti ke rekening anda.

"Metode ini sama persis dengan yang sudah saya gunakan untuk membangun berbagai bisnis online dan menghasilkan income milyaran rupiah selama ini!"

Satu-satunya kekurangan dari SMUO adalah keharusan anda untuk menjalankan metode dengan penuh disiplin, konsisten dan mengikuti instruksi yang saya jelaskan di dalamnya secara tepat.

SMUO tidak akan membuat anda menjadi kaya secara mendadak... dalam semalam, dengan menggunakan satu strategi magis yang akan mengubah nasib anda dalam sekejap. Bukan seperti itu... dan jika itu yang anda kira, anda berada di tempat yang salah (anda tidak akan pernah menemukan tempat yang tepat itu).

Walaupun metode SMUO yang akan anda temukan sangat sederhana, tapi tetap akan ada 'harga' yang harus dibayar. Ada usaha yang harus dikerahkan. Membutuhkan konsentrasi penuh walaupun dikerjakan di sela-sela waktu luang anda. Tapi jangan khawatir, sistem ini akan menuntun anda!

Manfaat apa yang akan anda peroleh setelah
memiliki Paket Informasi SMUO?

Saya akan pandu anda dengan 3 langkah pembangun bisnis di Internet, antara lain:

Langkah 1
Bagaimana menciptakan produk, bahan baku penghasilan anda.
Sekali lagi, tidak peduli bagaimana pengetahuan anda saat ini saya jamin anda bisa menciptakan produk dengan mudah.

Langkah 2
Bagaimana membangun website otomatis pencetak uang.
Tidak peduli seberapa dalam kepandaian teknis anda dalam merancang website saya jamin anda bisa memiliki website dengan sistem interaktif di dalamnya.

Langkah 3
Bagaimana menarik sebanyak mungkin pengunjung ke website anda! Tidak peduli seberapa banyak pengalaman anda dalam berpromosi di internet, saya jamin anda bisa menghasilkan sebanyak mungkin pengunjung untuk membeli produk anda.

Ya... cukup 3 langkah itu saja untuk meraih penghasilan melimpah dari internet. Semua rahasia kesuksesan bisnis di internet, beserta informasi dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan akan anda temukan di sini! Tidak peduli bagaimana latar belakang pendidikan anda saat ini, selama anda bisa mengoperasikan komputer dan internet secara sederhana, maka saya jamin anda bisa menjalankan metode SMUO dengan mudah.

Apapun latar belakang pendidikan, kekayaan, keturunan, ataupun pekerjaan anda saat ini... ANDA pun bisa menghasilkan uang melimpah dari Internet!

Lakukan sesuai instruksi saya!

Baca langkah pertama,... terapkan... lalu lanjutkan ke langkah berikutnya!
Baca langkah kedua,... terapkan... lalu lanjutkan ke langkah berikutnya!
Baca langkah ketiga,... terapkan... dan anda akan menghasilkan Rp 500 s/d 700 ribu per hari! GARANSI UANG KEMBALI!!

Setelah anda mengikuti seluruh materi panduan ini, anda akan bisa merancang mesin uang otomatis milik anda sendiri. Anda akan tahu bagaimana cara cepat merancang produk, membuat website dan mempromosikannya. Anda bisa menciptakan sumber-sumber penghasil income dengan cepat dan mudah hanya dengan menggunakan internet sebagai media bisnis anda! Penghasilan akan meningkat, dan waktu luang anda akan semakin panjang.

Saya memang bukan penulis ulung, tapi saya yakin proses belajar anda tidak akan membosankan. Materi informasi bisa dengan mudah anda pahami karena bukan sekedar terjemahan dari produk informasi asing, tapi merupakan penulisan berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi. Original, dari bahasa saya sendiri!

Jumat, 14 November 2008

Revolusi Isi Pulsa Terkini

BONUSPULSA adalah Perusahaan Dealer Voucher Pulsa Elektrik yang berbadan hukum berskala menengah dan besar (PT - bukan CV atau bentuk tidak jelas lainnya) dengan REKENING BANK PERUSAHAAN.

Kami menawarkan "Penghasilan Tambahan" dan utama bagi SEMUA ORANG di seluruh Indonesia dengan menawarkan system Electronic Voucher lengkap semua operator seperti:

* Mentari, Indosat M3,
* Simpati, As,
* XL Bebas & Jempol,
* Telkom Flexi,
* Fren,
* Esia,
* StarOne,
* Three

dalam 1 chip dengan harga yang SANGAT MURAH (baca kesaksian) TANPA TARGET PENJUALAN MINIMUM dan TANPA RESIKO DEPOSIT PULSA HANGUS. bonuspulsa Bisa digunakan untuk mengisi pulsa handphone anda sendiri, keluarga, teman, dan orang – orang yang ada di sekitar Anda. Hanya dengan mendaftarkan satu nomer GSM/CDMA saja, anda sudah dapat melakukan pengisian pulsa untuk ke semua nomer GSM/CDMA.

Kenapa Saya memilih "Bonus Pulsa" sebagai Alternatif isi ulang saya yaitu :

1. Hanya sekali pendaftaran,
2. Harga Relatif Lebih Murah
5. Tidak ada tutup poin atau persyaratan lainnya.
6. Potensi bonus ratusan juta rupiah ditambah dengan bonus melimpah berupa Handphone, Liburan, Uang Tunai dan MOBIL.

Tunggu apa lagi, ubah cara pengisian pulsa anda manjadi lebih murah dan bernilai lebih dibandingkan cara lama anda dalam pengisian Pulsa. Klik Banner dibawah ini untuk merubah penghasilan anda..

Teknik Terbaik Bisnis Online Indonesia dengan

Teknik yang dipaparkan, menurut saya msih yang terbaik saat ini, untuk orang awam sekalipun yang belum mengenal Bisnis Online akan di pandu dengan teknik-teknik yang mudah kita jalankan, dari hal-hal mendasar hingga kita siap berkecimpung menjalankan Begitu banyak Peluang Bisnis Online yang tekadang banyak yang scam/menipu, sehingga kalau kita tidak mendapatkan binbingan dari ahlinya, waktu dan tenaga yang kita curahkan akan sia-sia, untuk itulah kita perlu belajar kepada orang yang tepat.

Sebelumnya kami ucapkan terimakasih kepada Bung Haryo Prabowo atas panduannya selama ini lewat uang panas dot com, sehingga saya bisa mempersiapkan website ini sehingga lebih mudah menjalankan teknik-tenik yang dipandu lewat, mudah-mudahan bisa memperkecil bahkan meniadakan kegagalan seperti yang dialami oleh Pebisnis Online Pemula. Juga atas panduan langsung dan gratis setelah kita menjadi member, Anda juga akan mendapatkan panduan ini langsung dari pakarnya Bung Haryo Prabowo, sehingga investasi yang kita keluarkan tidak sia-sia.

Tujuan kita berbisnis adalah memperoleh hasil yang sebanyak-banyaknya dengan modal yang sekecil-kecilnya atau yang biasa di kenal dengan “Prinsip Ekonomi”. Tetapi apakah prinsip-prinsip ekonomi tersebut bisa kita terapkan dengan mudah. Kadangkala yang umum terjadi dewasa ini adalah untuk memperoleh hasil yang besar, modal/dana yang akan kita keluarkan pastilah juga besar. Kalaupun kita tidak punya modal besar, terpaksa kita mengandalkan keahlihan dan tenaga kasar kita, itupun belum tentu bisa di prediksikan hasilnya, apalagi orang yang tidak mau atau takut akan resiko yang akan terjadi. Membuat sebagian banyak orang takut memulai usaha/berbisnis.

Nah, kalau Anda ingin mencoba memulai berbisnis dengan modal minimal, dan mendapatkan benefit atau manfaat dibandingkan dengan resikonya. Anda wajib memiliki panduan bisnis ini, terutama bagi Anda yang baru pertama akan terjun ke bisnis online. Dengan panduan ini, kita akan diberikan step-by-step secara mudah dan terperinci. kalaupun masih belum paham, juga disediakan konsultasi gratis setiap harinya.

Semakin cepat kita bergabung, semakin kita lebih cepat pandai dengan menguasai teknik-teknik mendulang uang lewat bisnis online, lebih cepat pula pundi-pundi yang masuk ke rekening bank kita dan juga investasi yang akan kita keluarkan untuk mendapatkan panduan bisnis ini semakin sedikit. Denger-denger Investasi yang akan kita keluarkan untuk memiliki panduan bisnis online ini akan meningkat seiring dengan makin besarnya permintaan akan panduan bisnis online yang berkualitas. Maka buruan sebelum harga dinaikkan lagi ke harga yang lebih pantas. Silahkan Klik banner dibawah ini untuk proses selanjutnya.

Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

Major currency traded in FOREX market

There are seven major currencies, the US dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY) British pound (GBP), Swiss Franc (CHF) Canadian dollar (CAD) and Australian dollar (AUD). The US dollar is the most traded currency followed by the Euro and the Yen. The Euro is the relatively new currency of the European Union although some member states, including the UK, have not changed their currency. Also, if you live in a country using one of the major currencies, when you first start trading it makes sense to begin with that currency. Not only are you familiar and comfortable with the currency, but you are in a better position to judge its strength. The internet has a wealth of information on the financial climate of a country, but if you live there you have access to all newspaper content, as well being in the unique position of experiencing first hand changes at the consumer level.

Forex Beginners

It is believe that more than 50% of Forex traders are losing money long term in the foreign currency exchange market. Yet, there are still a lot of Forex traders jump in to the market, trade blindly and lost their money. Trade after trade, its surprising to see that 'normally-losing' traders keep betting (not investing!) their money into Forex market without reviewing their trading strategy. No matter you are the experienced or the beginners, there are certain 'must-do' when trading Forex to manage the risk wisely and to increase your possibilities in making profits.

Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

Four Principles for Becoming a Better Trader

Trade with a DISCIPLINED Plan: The problem with many traders is that they take shopping more seriously than trading. The average shopper would not spend $400 without serious research and examination of the product he is about to purchase, yet the average trader would make a trade that could easily cost him $400 based on little more than a "feeling" or "hunch." Be sure that you have a plan in place BEFORE you start to trade. The plan must include stop and limit levels for the trade, as your analysis should encompass the expected downside as well as the expected upside.

Cut your losses early and Let your Profits Run: This simple concept is one of the most difficult to implement and is the cause of most traders demise. Most traders violate their predetermined plan and take their profits before reaching their profit target because they feel uncomfortable sitting on a profitable position. These same people will easily sit on losing positions, allowing the market to move against them for hundreds of points in hopes that the market will come back. In addition, traders who have had their stops hit a few times only to see the market go back in their favor once they are out, are quick to remove stops from their trading on the belief that this will always be the case. Stops are there to be hit, and to stop you from losing more then a predetermined amount! The mistaken belief is that every trade should be profitable. If you can get 3 out of 6 trades to be profitable then you are doing well. How then do you make money with only half of your trades being winners? You simply allow your profits on the winners to run and make sure that your losses are minimal.

Do not marry your trades: The reason trading with a plan is the #1 tip is because most objective analysis is done before the trade is executed. Once a trader is in a position he/she tends to analyze the market differently in the "hopes" that the market will move in a favorable direction rather than objectively looking at the changing factors that may have turned against your original analysis. This is especially true of losses. Traders with a losing position tend to marry their position, which causes them to disregard the fact that all signs point towards continued losses.

Do not bet the farm: Do not over trade. One of the most common mistakes that traders make is leveraging their account too high by trading much larger sizes than their account should prudently trade. Leverage is a double-edged sword. Just because one lot (100,000 units) of currency only requires $1000 as a minimum margin deposit, it does not mean that a trader with $5000 in his account should be able to trade 5 lots. One lot is $100,000 and should be treated as a $100,000 investment and not the $1000 put up as margin. Most traders analyze the charts correctly and place sensible trades, yet they tend to over leverage themselves. As a consequence of this, they are often forced to exit a position at the wrong time. A good rule of thumb is to trade with 1-10 leverage or never use more than 10% of your account at any given time. Trading currencies is not easy (if it was, everyone would be a millionaire!).

Fundamentals Every Trader Should Know

Currency prices reflect the balance of supply and demand for currencies. Two primary factors affecting supply and demand are interest rates and the overall strength of the economy. Economic indicators such as GDP, foreign investment and the trade balance reflect the general health of an economy and are therefore responsible for the underlying shifts in supply and demand for that currency. There is a tremendous amount of data released at regular intervals, some of which is more important than others. Data related to interest rates and international trade is looked at the closest.

Interest Rates

If the market has uncertainty regarding interest rates, then any bit of news regarding interest rates can directly affect the currency markets. Traditionally, if a country raises its interest rates, the currency of that country will strengthen in relation to other countries as investors shift assets to that country to gain a higher return. Hikes in interest rates, however, are generally bad news for stock markets. Some investors will transfer money out of a country's stock market when interest rates are hiked, causing the country's currency to weaken. Which effect dominates can be tricky, but generally there is a consensus beforehand as to what the interest rate move will do. Indicators that have the biggest impact on interest rates are PPI, CPI, and GDP. Generally the timing of interest rate moves are known in advance. They take place after regularly scheduled meetings by the BOE, FED, ECB, BOJ, and other central banks.

International Trade

The trade balance shows the net difference over a period of time between a nation's exports and imports. When a country imports more than it exports the trade balance will show a deficit, which is generally considered unfavorable. For example, if U.S dollars are sold for other domestic national currencies (to pay for imports), the flow of dollars outside the country will depreciate the value of the currency. Similarly if trade figures show an increase in exports, dollars will flow into the United States and appreciate the value of the currency. From the standpoint of a national economy, a deficit in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. However, if the deficit is greater than market expectations then it will trigger a negative price movement.

Test Your Skills

To access free charts click on the following link:

Look at the 5-minute, 15-minute, and one-hour charts and find support and resistance lines for the EUR/USD. You will notice that once a major support or resistance line is broken, markets tend to trend strongly in that direction.

Applying Technical Analysis

Charts can be used on an intraday basis (5-minute, 15 minute, hourly), weekly, or monthly basis. The chart you study depends on how long you plan on holding a position. If you are trading with a few hours in mind you may want to look at 5-minute or 15-minute charts. If you plan on holding a position for a couple of days, you may want to look at an hourly, 4-hour or daily chart. Weekly charts and monthly charts compress price movements to allow for much longer-range trend analysis. Therefore, these charts give the technical trader a longer-term context in which to conduct trades.

Technical Analysis or Fundamental Analysis?

Most traders abide by technical analysis because it does not require hours of study. Technical analysts can follow many currencies at one time. Fundamental analysts, however tend to specialize due to the overwhelming amount of data in the market. Technical analysis works well because the currency market tends to develop strong trends. Once technical analysis is mastered, it can be applied with equal ease to any time frame or currency traded.

The Basis of Technical Analysis explains trend analysis and how to use basic trend following techniques.

Click below to browse through:
1. What is Market Trend?
2. Types of Trends
3. Trend Classifications
4. Drawing Trendlines
5. Information about Trendlines
6. Channel Lines
7. Find Price Support Levels
8. Finding Price Resistance Levels
9. 50% Retracements
10. 33% and 66% Retracements

Two Ways to Trade

There are two basic approaches to analyzing currency markets, fundamental analysis and technical analysis. The fundamental analyst concentrates on the underlying causes of price movements, while the technical analyst studies the price movements themselves.

Technical Analysis

Technical analysis focuses on the study of price movements. Historical currency data is used to forecast the direction of future prices. The premise of technical analysis is that all current market information is already reflected in the price of that currency; therefore, studying price action is all that is required to make informed trading decisions. The primary tools of the technical analyst are charts. Charts are used to identify trends and patterns in order to find profit opportunities. The most basic concept of technical analysis is that markets have a tendency to trend. Being able to identify trends in their earliest stage of development is the key to technical analysis.

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis focuses on the economic, social and political forces that drive supply and demand. Fundamental analysts look at various macroeconomic indicators such as economic growth rates, interest rates, inflation, and unemployment. However, there is no single set of beliefs that guide fundamental analysis. There are several theories as to how currencies should be valued.

Risk Management

There are three basic questions that every trader should answer BEFORE entering a trade.

How much do I believe the market will move and where do I want to take my profit?

Limit Orders allow traders to exit the market at profit targets. If you are short (sold) a currency pair the system will only allow you to place a Limit Order below the current market price because this is the profit zone. Similarly if you are long (bought) the currency pair the system will only allow you to place a limit order above the current market price. Limit orders help create a disciplined trading methodology and enable traders to walk away from the computer without constantly monitoring the market.

How much am I willing to lose before I exit the position?

Stop/Loss orders allow traders to set an exit point for a losing trade. If you are short a currency pair the stop loss order should be placed above the current market price. If you are long the currency pair the stop loss order should be placed below the current market price. Stop/Loss orders help traders control risk by capping losses. Stop/Loss orders are counter-intuitive because you do not want them to be hit, however, you will be happy that you placed them! When logic dictates you can control greed.

Where should I place my stop and limit orders?

As a general rule of thumb traders should set Stop Orders closer to the opening price than limit orders. If this rule is followed, a trader needs to be right less than 50% of the time to be profitable. For example, a trader that uses a 30 pip Stop/Loss and 100 pip limit orders needs only to be right 1/3 of the time to make a profit. Where the trader places the stop and limit will depend on how risk-adverse he is. Stop/Loss orders should not be so tight that normal market volatility knocks the position out. Similarly, Limit Orders should reflect realistic expectation of gains given the markets trading activity and the length of time one wants to hold the position.

Maximize Your Tools

Most reputable forex brokers offer Demo accounts, which give clients access to the firm's live trading platform including price action and execution. Utilizing a demo account gives traders the opportunity to become familiar with online forex trading. Traders can watch the market move in real-time and can practice getting in and out of positions by applying different trading strategies. The initial balance is usually set at $50,000, leaving plenty of room for trial and error. Aim for a profit before going live with a real trading account.
If you have not done so already, we recommend opening a demo account through Forex Capital Markets (FXCM).

To register for a free 30 day Demo Account, please go to:

and enter the appropriate

information. You will then receive you login and password. Once you have downloaded the free FX trading platform at :

and followed the instructions for installation. You will be able to begin trading immediately.

Guide to Trading Forex

Learn to Trade Forex in Seven Steps

1) Maximize Your Tools
Daily FX provides multiple tools to help you become a better forex trader including free market news and real time charts. The most valuable tool, however, is trading a Demo account, which allows traders to test out strategies and learn from their mistakes without risking real money.

2) Risk Management
Every successful trader knows how much risk he is willing to take and what profits should result from a trade. This is the basis of every realistic trading strategy.

3) Two Ways to Trade
There are two types of traders, technical and fundamental. Both have radically different approaches to making trading decisions. In this section, find out which camp you belong to.

4) The Basics of Technical Analysis
All Technical Analysis starts with a few basic building blocks. With these as a foundation, you can start to make sound trading decisions.

5) Applying Technical Analysis
DailyFX provides tools for basic technical analysis. Test your knowledge of technical analysis.

6) Fundamentals Everyone Should Know
All Traders should understand why economic releases, interest rates and international trade are important to movement in currency markets.

7) Psychology of Trading
The biggest enemy to most traders is not the market but themselves. Learn four trading principals that will help you avoid the four biggest mistakes that traders make.

Informasi pasar uang

Informasi pasar uang